- My professional background and skills -
5350 Studios inc.
Remote / CanadaCo-Founded by Simon-Collins "Hypixel" Laflamme, Philippe "Rezzus" Touchette, Patrick Derbic and myself
Co-Founder & Technical Director
June '24 - Present- Let’s see where this goes :)
Fam. Carstens Media GmbH & Holding GmbH
Negenharrie, GermanyPersonal company to contract and consult for Software Engineering, Video Games and Social Media purposes.
June '24 - Present- Contact me [email protected]!
Riot Games, Inc. Hypixel Studios LTD
Remote / Derry, UKWholly-owned subsidiary and largely integrated in R&D department.

Principal Software Engineer & Senior Engineering Manager
June '23 - April '24- Leader for engineering teams. Tech Lead across all gameplay system teams: Sandbox; Characters, Camera & Controls; Encounters / NPCs; Voxels & World Generation; Creator Tools; Rendering.
- Architecture Group Member, setting standards for Studio’s engineering process.
- Managed 24 software engineers, 6 contractors & 7 direct reports.
Senior Software Engineer & Engineering Manager
May '22 - June '23- Managing contractors and outsourced engineering teams during milestone planning and execution over a 1-year period.
- Product Owner, Tech Lead and Manager for technical team building multi-platform 3D rendering, game world & procedural generation foundations for Hytale.
Interim Technical Director
May '21 - May '22- As the engineering discipline lead, I became the interim tech director with the goal to find a successor and future mentor.
- Improved budgeting, planning and career progression in the discipline by introducing, assigning, and reviewing job levels based on Radford levels and IEEE SWECOM.
- Managed 8 direct reports and 33 reports in total. Grew the engineering discipline by 50% / 16 engineers.
- Managed technical product vision and technical decision-making process for 8 months R&D phase to select a new engine for Hytale going forward.
- Improved technical communication and stakeholder understanding by introducing engineering standards, tech documentation and process definitions based on IEEE SWEBOK.
Lead Software Engineer
Jan '20 - May '21- Programming & architecture of Java & C# software. Implemented real time simulation, networking, data structures and driver support with a strong focus on resource limitations, stability, maintainability, and performance on low budget customer hardware.
- Architecture, design, and peer review of traditional user facing services with strong focus on reliability, security. GDPR, COPPA.
- Recruitment, interviewing, training and mentoring for positions from junior to executive positions.
- Analysis and optimization of cross-team inefficiencies. Process optimization, short- & long-term planning, estimation and progress reports in a distributed scrum environment.
Hypixel Studios Inc.
Remote / Quebec, CanadaIndependent studio to work on Hytale.

Senior Software Engineer
Dec '18 - Jan '20- Announced Hytale (60,000,000 views) to the public and managed AWS & Cloudflare deployment for website, beta and newsletter signup.
- Representing engineering during the due diligence and acquisition process involving some of the largest companies in tech. Technical presentations for due diligence covering product vision, technical vision, legals, licensing and security audits.
- Procedural world generation for 3-dimensional infinite voxel levels. Tech Lead for an agile team focussing on easy configuration by level designers and third-party modders.
Hypixel Inc.
Remote / Quebec, CanadaCompany to develop and operate the Hypixel Minecraft server.

Senior Software Engineer
Mar '14 - Dec '18- Defended the company through the world’s first ever >1.0 Tbps DDoS attack by the Mirai Botnet. Relations with Cloudflare & OVH. 24/7 on call.
- Network operations and scaling a modding environment to 216,762 CCU.
- Reverse-engineering of software and binary network protocols.
- Java programming in a Minecraft server modding environment.
- On-ground support and management at gaming conventions around the world.
- Seed investment dilligence development representation for Hytale
Provinzial NordWest AG
Kiel, GermanyProvinzial is a German public insurance group.

Dual Student, B.Sc. Applied Computer Science
May '14 - May '15- IBM z/OS mainframe programming using COBOL and DB2
- Java programming using Swing, AWT applications, Lotus Notes, Spring
- Initial planning of mainframe batch processing migration to Spring Java cluster
- Insurance Business Training
Mixed / HomeWorking on various projects mostly based on word-of-mouth marketing
Software Developer
'08 - '14- Developed websites, automation & programs to earn money during school
- Support family businesses with custom software solutions (still running today!)